Sunday, October 19, 2008

Manic Monday #12

Mo has chosen today's word for Manic Monday to be: Bite

My first thoughts went out to McGruff the Crime dog and how he would take a bite out of crime when I was a kid. His commercials used to run before and after the after school special. So I decided to look around to see if he still exists and what do you know he does and he has his very own website and blog!

According to the site October is crime prevention month. The blog explains how to be safe on the Internet with children as well as other things like what to do for bullying prevention. It's a pretty cool site for parents and children. My kids are too young to benefit just yet but when the time comes we know where McGruff is and how to take a bite out of crime.


anthonynorth said...

Never heard of this, coming from the UK, but I've a suspicion there'll soon be a rise in crime, as the Crash takes hold on the economy.

Durward Discussion said...

McGruff was wonderful in his trenchcoat. Lots of good lessons there for children.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I didn't even think about this! Great idea. :)
I remember him so well from school.

Nicely done. Happy Manic Monday!

Here's my bite.

Janna said...

Oooh, I blogged about McGruff too, over at Jantics.

Except I said he was Scooby-Doo's cousin with a sordid past...

earthlingorgeous said...

Oh my that is scary! The reality of the down slope economy worldwide is a reality bite for everyone!

Unknown said...

Happy MM! McGruff was fun to watch. I wonder if McGruff and Smokey the Bear ever hooked up?

I invite your blog readers to see my tribute to the Black Vampires!

peace, Villager

Anonymous said...

I never got into McGruff. I remember him from about 2nd grade and on. He was around when my own kids were in school but just minimally. I'm glad some things stay with us.

Gayle said...

My kids still bring home stuff from McGruff. He was a good idea way back when, and still is!
The White House

Anonymous said...

I remember McGruff! Cool that he's still around! Happy Monday!

Linda said...

Absolutely brilliant take on the post and very timely, too!

Thorne said...

Hehe. Good MM! One of my best friends used to work for Pomona PD in community relations. She used to go with McGruff and the DARE car to do elementary school presentations. She said she was always glad she didn't have to be the one wearing the costume! :-)