Sunday, October 5, 2008

The After Party

Yesterday was one of our neighbor kid's birthday party. Olivia has been talking about this party all week. She was told she needed to take her nap so once she woke up she could go jump in the bouncy house and eat cake. Sure enough she fell fast asleep. When it came time to get her ready and dressed, Olivia didn't want to wake up. We asked her if she wanted to go to the party, "no party" was the response.

Oh no. She does not want to get up from her nap. We don't want her to miss her party. What to do...let's turn on the lights. Ok that worked so well that she rolled over, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and covered her head with the blanket.

Daddy tried some subtle convincing- no luck. After awhile Dave picked her up and put her in the shower. At first she was upset, but then started to wake up and what was that....A PARTY...Let's go!!!! Caaakkkkkkeeeeee!!!! Now we were talking.

One down, one to go. Ava's turn to get up. The millisecond her door opened, Ava flew up and yelled out, "daddy up." In a few minutes the girls were dressed and we were out the door.

Here's some photos of the girls at the party:

When the party ended Olivia had a huge smile on her face and was ready to go home. Ava left with a handful of balloons and a grin. We left with two tuckered out cuties ready to go to bed.

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