Sunday, September 14, 2008

As the Cat Sleeps, the Mice Will Play

Dave was lucky to survive this weekend. I knew it seemed to good to be true when it was so quiet in the house. As he decided to nap on the couch Saturday afternoon, Olivia scaled the baby gate by using her bike as a ladder and was found in the kitchen standing on a chair. Doesn't sound so bad does it? It gets better. She had taken her little chair and placed it on top of the kitchen chair and was standing on top of both of them. In her hand was the turtle food container that she was cleaning in the fish tank. Yes, she dumped 2 full jars of turtle food into the tank. So many things could have happened if she had fallen off the chair or fallen against the tank. She could have went into the backyard to play since the door was open, thankfully we had dumped the water out of the pool the day before. I was furious with Dave for being so negligent while he was supposed to be watching her. He's lucky that nothing happened to her.

As for last night's dinner with the neighbors, it was great. The food was good but overpriced I my opinion. The night itself went wonderfully. Our babysitter is awesome with the girls and had them in bed and asleep by 8 PM without any crying whatsoever. She even brushed their teeth. It's nice to be able to go out now that the girls are bigger and know that they are in good hands. It's a huge relief.

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