Tuesday, December 20, 2011

49er's Game

Have you seen these two guys?
Let me explain who they are.... They are the proud recipients of two tickets to see the Steeler's play the 49er's. BUT... and that's a huge but. They didn't get just any old tickets...
Their tickets seated them HERE right behind where the players sit. They are about 8 rows back on the 45 yard line. The tickets were over $1000 a piece. Now look closely at these faces in the photo above and you will see in the glimmer of their eyes the words- FREE- written all over them.

In all honesty, they have these tickets every year but my dad doesn't want to drive all the way to SF for football unless it is against his team- Pittsburgh. So this was a good year for the both of them. Father-in-law and son bonding.

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