Friday, November 18, 2011

Olivia's 6 Now!!!

This morning I woke up to a 6 year old sweet little princess.
Maybe princess doesn't quite describe how she looked when she woke up but what can you say about waking up at 6AM other than, "I need more sleep."
 My 6 year old birthday girl at her party in the park.
 The party actually started here at the Jelly Belly Factory. All of the kids waited in line for the tour.
 While they waited they made silly faces at me.
After the Jelly Belly Factory we hit this cool park with a mega cement slide and a zillion play structures.
 Instead of cake, Olivia had big sugar cookies. Each kid frosted and decorated their own cookie.
 Olivia was given her first jewelry box from Joe, the boy next to her. She was very happy.
She was also given a Barbi. She must be in hiding somewhere from Ava since I have not seen her since we brought her home...
The gigantic cement slide. Even Gavin rode down it once with daddy. I wasn't too excited about that.
Liv with her best friend Grace are getting ready to slide.
The three musketeers, Ava, Liv, and Nick.
Just what we like to see- a huge smile on her big day. Happy Birthday Olivia!!
Ava had a blast too!!!

 My monkey on the monkey bars.
 Liv zip lining.

Gavin enjoying the party with Rachael. He had a fun time flirting with her and watching the kids.

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