Monday, June 30, 2008

Kid Free Mommy Time

Finally, I say with a sigh. The girls' dad is home from work. The girls have been fed and we get to eat our meal. Like many nights our dinner beings with screams of 'daddy I want sit on your lap' followed by countless cries from the baby. We snarf down our dinner barely looking up at each other. Then the ritual begins: He starts playing with the girls and I retreat for a few minutes of kid free mommy time. As I write this post I hear screams of 'mommy-daddy do' which translates loosely to "Mommy get down here right now, daddy took my toy away that I was using to whack my sister." Ahhh the few minutes of kid free mommy time. It never really existed. I know that. You know that. As parents we all desire that 15 minutes of peace and quiet even if it is only to use the restroom, and we usually get it around 1 a.m. between the husband and dog snore-off contest and the baby's frantic scream as she realizes that yes she is in her room and no there will be no banana eating until the break of dawn.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought I'd go back and comment on a lonely old post.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. My kids are 16 and 11 and even though I am away from them at work I still crave kid free mommy time on the weekends. (I also work with kids). Now that they are getting a bit older, I get those moments when I can be truly on my own. Nowadays I usually can finish a shower without an interruption although you never know.