Thankfully Ava hates boys. Today she has to sit in between two of them and she tried to move her chair. Her teacher told her she has to try it and that it wouldn't be nice if they said they didn't want to sit next to her. We'll see how this goes later today. It's Ava first PJ party and picnic at school.
So as far as Liv's party went all the kids came out with hoards of candy and toys. Sunday, the real Halloween, was followed up with the daytime trick or treating at the outdoor mall. Liv ran into one of her school friends right when we got there so she and the friend and Ava all held hands and trick or treated all of the stores together. It was liberating being able to talk to the girl's mom while Dave, a.k.a. Super Dad, shuttled them all in and out of every store. He worked up a sweat and looked great doing it.
Later that night we did the run through our neighborhood. Tori and Brody hooked up with us after awhile and the kids ran up to all the houses together. Barb and I hung back while Super Dave toted the kids around. It's good that I have an excellent husband. If I didn't these kids would wear me out right down to the ground. Thank God for some miracles. Now if only he could win the lotto....
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