Here's my cuties on the way to their Christmas Party:

Is it wrong to be jealous of your child's party? This thing freakin' rocked! I don't remember Santa's visit to my school being so fun or personal... Here's Olivia hugging Santa telling him to bring her a mermaid, a
shovel, a sleigh, and a pool. Everyone laughed when she said a pool. Mary looked at me and said, "Did you get that mom? Don't forget, she said a POOL!!!" I guess we are moving.

And what did my beautiful Ava want from Santa...a lollipop. Someone with low expectations...gotta love it.

Olivia wanted to make sure Santa didn't forget anything.

Check out all the presents Ms. K gave to Olivia. Wow. I don't remember my teacher giving us gifts either. We love Ms. K. She takes such great care of our kids and is so very wonderful.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!
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