We went to visit a BFF of mine from my Master's Program. It had been almost 3 years since I had seen her. She had moved away for two years and then moved back and every time we planned on getting together someone was either sick or busy or you know- life happens. Finally we got to see each other at her ranch house. The kids all got a chance to visit and play together too.

It was really great to physically see J again. She looked just as good as the last time I saw her. Of course she'll say she's got love handles and whatever but really she looked great whether she believes it or not. So for a few hours we caught up on the all the small stuff we never get to talk about on the phone, we played with all the animals, and we played outside on all the toys. It was a lot of fun and we made plans to see each other next week for a swim in her pool. The girls are so excited to get to go back. Only 7 more days of Olivia asking me, "is is today Mommy we are going swimming at Miss J's house with my friends ..."

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