So what did I find when I went outside? Sugar- standing on the table swirled in red paint. Of course tomorrow is her vet's appointment so it only figures she'd cover herself in war paint and make me come up with a good story as to why my white dog is now red. Good grief. Sugar also dug herself a hole in the yard. It was the size of a golf ball and she was working at it so hard. When I walked outside she looked up at me with her cute little puppy eyes in all of glory for what she had done. So the girls and I examined her work and gave her a pat on the head and she ran off wagging her tail. As far as I can tell Sugar won't be digging a hole to China any time soon.
The paints are now drying in the garage and hopefully will be completely dry before Dave gets home so we can hide them for his Father's Day gift. The girls are playing Lego's trying to rebuild the jeep and towers they built yesterday. The dogs are cleaned and napping and the cat has the run of the house again. All is good.
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