2. Olivia's first Christmas
4. Our wedding ornament from Hawaii
5. Another wedding ornament
6. The first ornament Dave and I bought together
7. Maggie Simpson... from before Dave and I met...my childhood
8. Lisa Simpson...another one of mine
9. Dave's favorite sport
11. Lady, our dog is a beagle
12. This is one of the two ornaments that drives Lady crazy.
13. This is the other one. She hates them and barks whenever they sing!
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What a great idea for a TT! And how fun to see all your cool ornaments!
It's a lot of fun to stop and think how ornaments can tell our stories! Great posts. God bless.
I love the last one lol My most treasured ornaments were made by my kids over the years. Fun list.
Happy Holidays!
You have wonderful memories on your tree! Happy TT!
Those are fun! I like the caroling barnyard animals.
Those are so cute. Love it. Happy TT:)
What lovely ornaments.
Happy TT!
My TT Forbidden Fruit is up.
it's all cute!what a great list.
Lovely, lovely ornaments especially the personalized ones. Happy TT!
Your tree must be adorable.
Some cute ornaments there.
Hay, I have #12 too! Nice TT.
Taking photos of your ornaments is a great idea! Nice TT.
Those are some great ornaments-- early Merry Christmas.
Happy T13!
Great list--may I take your idea for next week (or when I finally get around to bringing my ornaments down)?
My list is up--see what else I haven't accomplished in regards to Christmas
Those are all pretty cool. My husband and I have started collecting an ornament a year--can't wait till we have 13.
Cool ornaments. I like the first one the best.
Happy TT!
Happy TT. I love this list with pictures! What a fantastic idea & I'm gonna have to "borrow" it for my Christmas TT!
Thanks for sharing,
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